On June 6, some of the area’s leading pediatric oncology researchers will share the outcomes of their research funded through CCF grants.

On Wednesday, June 6, 2018, The Children’s Cancer Foundation, Inc. (CCF) will host its 3rd Annual Research Symposium: Today’s Research to Tomorrow’s Clinical Trials.

The CCF Research Symposium puts forth the belief that local research dialogue will impact global research collaboration and ultimately will lead to cures.

Cancer survivor Noah Grove tells researchers his journey and places a face on the important work that they do.

The 2018 keynote speaker is Catherine Bollard, M.D. of Children’s National Medical Center.

We invite submissions of abstracts for the mid-day poster session. Guidelines are here (PDF). Deadline is March 30, 2018.

2018 Research Symposium:

Time:             9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Address:      Giant Food Headquarters, 8301 Professional Place, Hyattsville, MD
Fee:                FREE; Registration will be required and will open in April

For more information: (443) 546-4479 or lauren@childrenscancerfoundation.org.

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