(Updated 4/2/2020) We’re doing our part to closely monitor the current situation surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and following national and local recommendations for precautionary measures, travel and community events.  Many of our partners interact with immune-compromised children on a daily basis, so we know all too well the importance of exercising an abundance of caution.

At this point in time, several spring events benefiting CCF have been rescheduled or canceled entirely. We rely on the generosity of our neighbors, donors and corporate partners, who support us throughout the year. Each event is valued and contributes critical revenue we invest in research. Each event makes a difference towards our bottom line.

We encourage everyone to follow CDC guidelines to help lower risk of infection, and or spreading infection. If you are a childhood cancer patient or family, please stay in touch with your home (treating) institution for additional information. Your hospital’s website should have the most up-to-date information.

On behalf of the CCF Board of Directors, we remain grateful to our entire community for their support, patience and flexibility during this time as we all take precautions to ensure the safety of our participants, volunteers and staff. Despite the challenges we face, it’s important to remember that our kids do not have the luxury to wait for new cancer treatments. We are aware that everyone is facing financial uncertainty, but if you are in a position to donate, please consider supporting CCF with a donation today.  Thank you.

For those of you on the front lines- – in labs, in clinics, seeing patients, nurses, social workers, hospital staff and volunteers- we extend our deepest thanks to each of you.

Finally, we extend our appreciation to each of you for your continued commitment and support of CCF and our mission to fund locally based researchers, programs and facilities until every child is assured a healthy future.

Be safe. Stay strong.

Very truly yours,

Tasha and the CCF Team

P.S. As we all increase our online purchases, please consider going through AmazonSmile and designate CCF to receive a small percentage of each purchase you make. It adds up and makes a difference – thank you.

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