The CCF Board of Directors provides essential financial, organizational, and mission-driven guidance for the future of CCF. We are grateful to be supported by leaders representing local and regional industries and communities.

Interested in becoming a member of the CCF Board of Directors?

Executive Committee


Dr. Jerrold C. Chadwick, Jr.

My Fresh Solutions, LLC


Terence McGowan

Giant Food


Daniel J. Kenney

Mitchell & Titus


Paul Schwab, Esq.

Azrael, Franz, Schwab, Lipowitz & Solter, LLC

board memebers

Bobby Cardoni

Strategic Factory

John Carver

The Carver Group

Christopher Chadwick

Feldman Ruel

Matt Cimino

Constellation Home

Steve Coomes

Retired, Safeway

Elda Devarie

EMD Sales, Inc.

Karen Fernandez

Data Trace

Joseph Fileppi

University of Maryland

Michael Golder


Christina Golnoski

PepsiCo Beverages

Cyndi Ireland head shot
Cyndi Ireland

Just Ice Tea

pete legambi
Peter Legambi, Jr.


Charmel McMillan

Char-town Entertainment

Prakash Shan

McCormick & Company

William Yull

NECA, Maryland Chapter